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Morse Code can be used to transmit messages in English and many other languages. For languages not written with the Latin alphabet other versions of Morse Code are used. There are versions of Morse Code for the Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic and Hebrew alphabets, and for Japanese a version known as Wabun Code (和文モールス符号), which maps kana syllables to specific codes, is used.

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TSM 133 Lab: Layer 2 & Layer 3 Addressing– Windows 7 Pro Larry Foy Write your answer(s) in the box provided under each question and submit via canvas. Overview Identifying Network Addresses 10. What is the Host Name of your computer? 11. What is the MAC address of your computer? 78-2B-CB-B6-C0-B3 12. What is the IPv4 address of your computer? 13.

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The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum covers the range from roughly 300 GHz to 400 THz (1 mm - 750 nm). It can be divided into three parts: Far-infrared, from 300 GHz to 30 THz (1 mm – 10 μm). The lower part of this range may also be called microwaves or terahertz waves.

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